© A.Mena


“I’m particularly interested in contamination between different disciplines and art forms.
I believe in creative contamination as a possibility to enrich one’s art and as a way of seeing the world. Just as I love movement, especially when influenced by different styles,
I am also very fascinated by the inanimate world, by objects and by the different possible ways to use and to see them”.

Cristiana Casadio is a dancer, choreographer and teacher based in Berlin.
After a professional rhythmic gymnastics career, she was selected to join as a trainee the Aterballetto Company, directed by Mauro Bigonzetti and received several grants (e.g. at Merce Cunninghum Studio and Peridance Center in New York).

She joined Enzo Celli’s Botega dance company (IT), J.K.Tyl Theater Pilsen (CZ) and, from 2001 to 2009, Balletto dell’Esperia (Turin, IT) directed by Paolo Mohovich, as soloist.

Since 2010 Cristiana has been based in Berlin, working as a freelance artist, taking part in different productions and projects as a performer and as a choreographer (e.g. Berliner Ensemble, in the piece “Menschen, Orte und Dinge”).

She collaborates with several international artists, from different disciplines and her works have been performed in many international venues and festivals, among which stand out:
Parktheater Eindhoven Holland, Harare International Festival of Arts Zimbabwe,
Ringling International Festival of Arts (RIAF) USA, Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen Germany, Fabbrica Europa Florenz Italy, Teatro Sociale Bergamo Italy, Move-Festival Fabrik Heeder Krefeld Germany, Teatro Astra Turin Italy, Festival International de Danse Encore Quebec, Walton Arts Center Arkansas USA, Centro Nacional de las Artes Mexico City.

In 2013 her piece “Tangram” has been shortlisted for the Total Theatre Award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and 2017 won the first prize for performing arts at the Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg.

Her artistic work has been supported by the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland with the program Dis-tanzen in 2021-2022 and from Senate Department of Culture, for work and research in performing art, in 2023.