
“El Ensayo” (2023)

The Kurtidos Dance Company is a collective of mature dancers and former dancers, Spaniards and Italians, whose aim is to bring to the stage, with humour and lightness, the attained artistic maturity in strong contrast to the age of the body. They say: 'We could say that dance is a young art. Instead, we prefer to think that dance is an art that one must be able to handle according to circumstances that include, on the one hand, a human background that is a source of many opportunities, and on the other hand, a mature body. However, there are contradictions, not the least of which is the conflict with one's own body that demands ever greater attention and respect. In addition, there are always disagreements with one's workmates, the love and respect for one's art that becomes extreme and can cause aversion to the stage. All this is then overcome by a kind of fatal attraction to this form of life that we have chosen since childhood'.

Regie & Choreography: Paolo Mohovich together with the performers
Performers: Cristiana Casadio, Miguel Soto Calatayud, Victoria Saiz, Amador Castilla, Gemma Maldonado, Marco Dugnani, Marta Crescente, Paolo Mohovich, Elisabeth Ross, Mapi Sagaseta
Dramaturgie: Carlos Hipolito
Light design: Mauro Panizza
Video: Cosimo Morleo

Performed at: Lavanderia a Vapore, Turin IT,
in the frame of


"To give the impression of a movement that is by nature short-lived contradicts at first sight the idea of sculpture, an art of immutability and duration."

Concept / artistic direction: Brit Rodemund
Dramaturgy: Janne Gregor
Dance / By and with: Brit Rodemund, Cristiana Casadio, Dominic Santia
Creative Technologist: Varya Rybakova
Visual Developer / Mocap Animator: Irina Shutova
Sound Design: Albrecht Ziepert
Production Manager: Kirsten Seeligmüller
Hardware / technical support: Christoph Seeligmüller
Production assistance: Lisa Oettinghaus

The work was shown:
15-18 December 2022, as part of OPEN LAB at DOCK 11


“Perception” is a transdisciplinary physical theatre / circus production about diverging perceptions in the context of transcultural identities. 

Concept and Regie: Sebastiano Toma
Choreography: Cristiana Casadio
Performers: Stefan Sing, Liam Wilson, Leilani Franco, Vivian Sommer, Roman von Thurau, Gioia de Piccoli, Rose-Marie Lindstrøm, Laura Hinkelmann, Bláthin Eckhardt
Lightdesign: Citronella Antholz
Dramaturgie: Nana Anine Jørgensen
Assistance: Ann Noack / Emma Hellweg
Stage design / video graphics: Sebastiano Toma
Video: Oliver Eckert

more infos:

BRAIN (2020/21)

BRAIN is a cerebral speculative dance performance in which new scientific disciplines and moral questions are anticipated and negotiated.

How far do we want to open ourselves to the outside and reveal our inner being?
We implant stolen thoughts, sensations and memories into ourselves and we live and savor them as if they were ours.
The body becomes a tool that carries out foreign commands. Appropriating other identities makes us different people and different bodies. Our movement patterns, our bodies and our vision become alien to us.
We are omnipresent. We no longer know who owns our own thought.
How much I is still in me?

Director / Set Design : Sebastiano Toma
Choreography: Cristiana Casadio
Performance/Dance: Gioia De Piccoli, Rose Marie Lindstrøm, Gina Laskowski, Felicia Als Klein,
Bláthin Eckhard
Dramaturgy: Lara Kuom
Assistant: Leilani Franco
Lighting design: Citronella Antholz
Music consulting and Sound Design: Lorenzo Toma
Videoanimation/Costume: Sebastiano Toma
Photograpy: Thomas Rusch
Production: sebastiano productions hamburg & company 2525

more infos, trailer and photos:


The soul of many women, lunar, mysterious, romantic, archaic but also very topical in their challenges and dreams. It is told in verse, choreography, a poetess and a dancer on stage without music or sets or other media, but only the power of the Word and the suggestion of Dance.
The piece was born from the encounter between the poetry and voice of Laura Fusco and the choreography and dance of Cristiana Casadio.

Regie, Texts, Voice: Laura Fusco
Choreography, Dance: Cristiana Casadio
Light design: Mauro Panizza

The work was shown:

Villa della Regina, Torino Italy
Palcoscenico Danza - Lavanderia a Vapore, Torino Italy

Berliner Ensemble (2018)

by Duncan MacMillan

Regie: Bernadette Sonnenbichler